Spring Road Clean Up
Join us for the annual Spring Road Clean Up.
It’s a good thing there are five Saturdays in April. Based on 6-8 inches of snow last night—as we write this—and more forecast today, we’re going to wait for the fifth Saturday to hold our road cleanup, and hope this snow melts and the ground dries a bit. We’ll gather at the Sugar Lake Town Hall on SATURDAY APRIL 29 at 9:00am with trash bags and safety vest available. Deb is contemplating what to bake for a treat to go with hot coffee.
Please feel free to claim your favorite section of road and clean it up, either on Saturday after the treat and coffee or any other day/time that works for you. We keep track of what road sections have been covered, so when you pick up some of our roads during a walk, please email us at bad@hagenbuck.com and we’ll mark your efforts down. If you collect more litter than your household garbage service can handle, give us a call and we’ll help you get rid of it. Do be safe and wear appropriate protection (at least gloves).
It’s always a good day to keep Siseebakwet’s roads beautiful; thanks in advance for your help.
Bill & Deb Hagenbuck