The Vanished Newsletter

Many SLA members have noticed and commented on the fact that they have not been receiving a newsletter. That is correct. No newsletter has been published and distributed for at least 14 months. Cost, difficulty of production, labor from an all volunteer organization are among the causes of the lapse.

What Now? After some agonizing, the plan is to use paid services of an expert to create a website and digital newsletter which will be emailed to members. It may include a Facebook page. Hopefully over a period of time successfully communicating through those methods we will have volunteers take over. For those members who do not have computers or an email address, we plan to create a list of names to whom a hard copy will be mailed or delivered in person. Please help us update our email address list and also submit names of anyone you know who should be on the list to receive a hard copy. Contact Bill Hagenbuck through either the SLA Gmail account or the SLA PO Box (following) to have updates made to the email distribution list and/or master list which is kept by Roger Quern. We’ll also accept updates at the 9/4/16 meeting; just give Bill or Roger a note.

Siseebakwet Lake Association

PO Box 295,

Cohasset, MN 55721


To sign up for our newsletter, please fill out the form below: