Fall Member Meeting Minutes

Siseebakwet Lake Association Annual Members Meeting Minutes Sugar Lake Lodge - September 2, 2018

1). Call to Order

Tom Huettner, SLA President, called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. A quorum was in attendance.

2). Financial Update

The treasurer’s report is provided in the monthly board minutes which are printed on the SLA website. Income sources for the association include: membership dues, gifts from personal estate planning, and/or charitable giving. Donations can also come from Amazon smile.com, MN Give to the Max, and from Thrivent members directing funds to SLA through “Choice Dollars”.

3). Weir

The final payment has been made to RK Construction Services for the weir project. Historical water level readings seem to show that the new weir is having no impact on Siseebakwet lake levels. However, lake level variances will continue to be tracked.

At the present time, the SLA has set aside a $33,000.00 reserve for future maintenance of the weir.

4). AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species)

It has been reported that rusty crayfish have been identified in Siseebakwet.

5). Communication

SLA members and interested persons are encouraged to frequently check the SLA website at siseebakwetlakeassociation.com to see what projects the SLA board is tackling and what opportunities are available for volunteers. One can also find information on Facebook and in the SLA newsletter.

6). SLA Board Member Election

The following people were nominated or volunteered to serve on the 2018-19 SLA Board of Directors:

Holly Hayes Hambley Abby Oxborough Bill Hagenbuck Roger Quern Deb Hagenbuck Betsy Martin moved that the nominated slate be elected as SLA board members. Motion seconded by Pat Doherty. Motion passed with an “aye” by all. The board members departing at the end of their terms in October are Marv Christensen, Tim Monson, and Sharon Haiskanen.

7). Proposed Amendments to the SLA Constitution and Bylaws


A). To modernize the language/wording using new forms of communication and technology. B). To reduce the required number of board members, which would also reduce the number of members needed to reach a quorum.


Article V - Proposed language change: “Notice of proposed amendments shall be sent electronically to the membership . . .”


Article ll - Proposed language change: “The notice (of Association meetings) shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting and shall be sent electronically to . . .”

Article lll; Section 2 - proposed change: Omit the number “15” board members.

Article lV; Section 1 - Proposed language changes: “The Board of Directors shall be composed of a minimum of nine (9) members . . .” “The terms shall be staggered so that a minimum of three (3) directors are elected each year.”

Article lV; Section 3 - proposed language change: “On major issues a board member may cast a vote via mail, phone, or electronically if unable to be present . . .”

Article lV; Section 4 Reduces the number of directors needed for a quorum from six (6) to five (5).

Article lV; Section 7 - Proposed language changes: “The Board of Directors shall issue at least semi-annually, an electronic newsletter and/or other form of electronic communication to the members . . .”

Following the presentation of these proposed changes, SLA president Tom Huettner called for questions and /or discussion.

Dave Martin moved and Betsy Martin seconded, that the proposed amendments to the SLA Constitution and Bylaws be adopted. Motion passed with an “aye” by all.

8). 2018 Photo Contest

Winner of the Siseebakwet website photo contest was Michael Shafer.

9). Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Sharon Haiskanen