May 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Minutes

〰️ Board Minutes

The Siseebakwet Lake Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2022


Call to order:  The meeting was called to order by President Tom Huettner at 8:35 am.  In attendance at Sugar Lake Lodge were Bill Hagenbuck, Deb Hagenbuck, Gwynne Bobich, Roger Quern & Gordy Hoppe. Joining by Zoom were Tom Huettner, Abby Oxborough and Betsy Martin.  Absent Holly Hayes.  Bill took minutes in Holly’s absence.


Announcements and Correspondence:  Despite a rainy day, the Spring Road Cleanup was successful with all areas receiving coverage by at least one individual—either on Saturday or following soon after.


Agenda additions: Approvals by email during April to be recorded in May minutes

·       Water Testing 2022 ($486; Final amount TBD)

·       Northland Portables ($490; before any grant offset) - North landing handicap port-a-potty for the year 

·       Ice-Out:  Declared May 9, 2022!  Winner: Mary Lou Doherty – prize; golf at SLL including golf cart


Secretary’s Report:  Skipped.


Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Quern reviewed the financial status

·       Will pay Porta-Potty for 2022.

·       Checking balance:           $2,126.33

·       Savings balance:            $35.777.16

·       Income:                              $479.24

·       Expenses:                           $572.09

·       Paid last year’s water quality testing invoice/

·       Will pay Porta-Potty for 2022 after meeting.

·       Motion seconded and carried.


FY 2020/2021 Key Dates Reminder/Zoom vs. In-Person Board Meeting Discussion:

Monthly Board Meetings - Monthly Board meetings will be at Sugar Lodge at 8:30 am unless otherwise notified. 

·       June 11

·       July 17 (due to Timberman Triathlon on July 10)

·       August 13

·       September 10

·       October 22

Membership Social Events – will be at Sugar Lake Lodge as noted

Spring Meeting Brunch Sunday June 5, 12:00pm due to earlier event at SLL

·       Set up at 11:00am

·       SLL will supply scrambled eggs/toppings; plates; silver; glasses & coffee

·       Board members requested to provide a dish to make sure we have a comprehensive selection.

·       Betsy is working on a possible speaker: John Downing from the MN Sea Grant organization.

Fall Meeting/Dinner, September 4, time TBD


Committee Reports:

·       Newsletter: ready pending Betsy’s article.

·       Membership: update postponed

·       Water Quality: Bruce Erickson will conduct testing again this year; schedule has been coordinated with RMB; Bart Bergman will be joining the committee-welcome; Tom will work with Bart to get him up to speed.

·       Tom will be working with the committees to communicate his vision for 2022.


Other Discussion:

·       Bill mentioned forwarded mailings on Itasca County’s AIS Inspector recruiting, free AIS Detector training, and the Itasca Water’s Septic funding opportunity for Itasca Residents and especially Lake Residents.

·       Abby asked what the board thought about reinstating the 4th of July Fireworks and if the board could/would help.  Gordy immediately tosses a $100 bill on the table and Bill & Deb/Roger said they’d match it—hence there is interest and support.  Abby is going to lead this initiative as the GM for the lodge, next steps to see if arrangements can be made for July 4.


The meeting adjourned at 9:15 am CDT when the free Zoom call terminated at the 45-minute limit.


Respectfully submitted.


Bill Hagenbuck

On behalf of Holly Hayes: Secretary