Board Minutes: August 2022

Siseebakwet Lake Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

August 13, 2022


Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 8:38 am by President Tom Huettner in Sugar Lake Lodge Dining Room.  In attendance were Tom Huettner, Roger Quern, Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck,

Vickie Hoppe, Gordy Hoppe, Cindy Hillegoss and Dora (Holly) Hayes.


Announcements and Correspondence –  There were no  announcements and no correspondence, 


Secretary’s Report – Gordy Hoppe moved approval of the Secretary’s report.  The motion was seconded and approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer  Roger Quern reported that as of 8/12/22 the Checking Account contained  $2,904.18 and the Savings Account contained $35,770.84.  Total income for the year was $1,411.12 and total expenses were $669.17.  ICOLA dues  ($51.00) have been paid.    The portion of the resources in the AIS fund was  $21,747,00.  Tom Huettner moved acceptance o f the Treasurer’s Report.  The motion was seconded and passed.


 The SLA continues to seek a stable financial institution that offers a satisfactory interest rate for a deposit of  a portion of the funds in our treasury.


Committee Reports – Communications:   Chair, Gwynne B. ; Co-Chair, Betsy M. – No Report.

Membership:  Chair, Vickie H.; Co-Chair, Deb. H.  – Consensus was that a mass mailing should be sent out some time in the spring; probably a second mass mailing should be sent out at an appropriate time.  The data base should be updated on a regular basis.  The use of bulk mail was discussed. 

Techniques for collection of dues monies were discussed.  Roger Quern urged use of Pay Pal because of the capability for automatic recurring dues payments.  The possibility of facilitating use of VENMO, credit cards, etc., was discussed.  It might be possible to have a “knock-on-doors” campaign for collection of dues.  Dues will also be collected at the fall meeting.


Water Quality , Management and Education:  Chair (temporary) Tom Huettner –  Tom hasTom reported that the water was not quite as clear (18 – 19) when an earlier measurement was made, but the quality has improved recently.   Tom has reached out to members on the north side of the lake.  Tom has not spoken to Bruce lately. 





Considerations in manning the decon stations include use of the bar code for the station.  There are also problems manning the stations and managing effective decontamination of boats and other equipment used on the lake.


Social:  Chair, Betsy M.; Co-Chair, Gwynne Bobich – The Fall Membership meeting will be our next meeting.  The Committee  will attempt to reschedule the speaker originally engaged for the 2022 Spring meeting for our Fall Membership Meeting.  The financial state of SLA will be reviewed and Tom H. will review the status of the organization.   The need to recruit members for the SLA Board was discussed.

The date of the annual meeting was informally set for the Labor Day weekend. 


SLA discussed the Mad Bear development being proposed in the approximate location of the former Ski Hills.  Developers are considering how this project could benefit Veterans. 


Investment summary:   SLA is a 501 c(3) organization and the Treasurer is maintaining the appropriate records and communications with IRS.   SLA continues to hold the Ice-Out Contest. 


Special Project: - Records Retention Update:  Betsy M. summarized the progress in digitizing the records and storing them in the cloud.  Consensus was that we would define the data base and  delegate the scanning of records and photographs. 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:36 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Dora K. (Holly) Hayes, Secretary