Siseebakwet Lake Association 1022
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2022
Call to order: The ZOOM meeting was called to order by President Huettner at 8:38 CDT. Attending were Tom Huettner, Abby Oxborough, Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck, Danielle Witherill and Vickie Hoppe.
Announcements: The winner of the photo contest (photo -Northern Lights) will be announced in an email. Danielle’s book was noted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Account balances total as of 9/30/2022: $39,084.22.
Expenses 10/01/2021 through 9/30/2022: $1,087.78.
Total income to date (10/1/22 through 10/19/2022): $360.00. Total expenses to date: $250.90.
Overall account total: $39,193.12.
Tom indicated that $15,000 has been invested in a CD yielding 4.1%.
Bill Hagenbuck moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. The move was seconded and approved.
Officer Vote/Committee Chair Selection: Tom presented the slate of proposed officers
for the next year.
President: Tom
Vice President: Bill
Treasurer: Roger
Secretary: Holly
Tom moved that the slate of officers be approved. The motion was seconded and approved.
Tom moved that the Receiver of Note be Bill. The motion was seconded and approved.
Tom presented a list of proposed committee members:
Communications: Chair: Abby
Co-Chair: Gwynne
Membership Chair: Paula Huettner
Co-Chair: Sara Mullaney
Members: Joan Schulz
Water Quality, Management and Education
Chair: Tom
Co-Chair: TBD
Members: Bill, Bart Bergman
Budget: Chair: Roger
Co-Chair: Tom
Members: Bill
Social: Chair: TBD
Co-Chair: TBD
Tom moved approval of the committee appointments. The motion was seconded and approved.
The President thanked the departing Board Member, Betsy, and welcomed the incoming Board Member.Tom indicated that he would follow up on water quality issues. He suggested that SLA needs a summary pager on invasive species that includes good techniques for identification.
The work of the Committee on Historical Record Retention was discussed. Bill indicated that he was working on a possible site and required equipment costing about $300.00 for the work. Bill moved that SLA appropriate monies not to exceed $400.00 to continue the work. The motion was seconded and passed.
Discussion of work over the winter included mention of outreach to committee members, preparation and distribution of a newsletter to members and preparation of a summary page on AIS. Tom will follow up on the summary page as well as further communications with Bruce.
SLA will encourage sending out an on-line Christmas card. Members of the committee indicated that SLA wanted to receive communications from the Association.
The meeting adjourned at 10:19 am CDT.