Board Minutes May 2024

SLA – May 18, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda 


Meeting Place:  Sugar Lake Lodge  

Date: May 18th  

Time: 8:30 am   

Attendees: Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck, Linda Lonson, Roger Quern, Danielle Witherill.   

Absent:  Paul Mullaney, Tom Huettner, Gordy Hoppe. 

1) Call to order 8:37 am 
2) Announcements & Correspondence 

  1. AIS Fund Match Funding Drive:  Sign thank you cards, not done today as we still need the cards.   

  1. 2024 Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Loaner Program Grant: Lifejackets went out on Monday, one was used already. Mary Freeman and Sarah Laska will check it weekly. 

  1. Main Landing Repair:  Has been completed.  

  1. Paul from the County discovered there is no written agreement to have the porta potty there, so one was created, reviewed and signed with Bill H. 


3) Secretary's Report/Prior Meeting Minutes Affirmation  Vote: April’s Minutes Approval   

Linda Made a motion to approve, Roger seconded, all approved.  

4) Treasurer's Report - Roger’s Report   

  1.  Approval/Payment of any pending Invoices/expenses- None. 

  1. Total Income= $13,130.87, Total Expenses=$1404.17. 

  1. Investment Committee = Checking  $167.81, savings  $1786.74, Edward Jones cash/money market $948.69, CDs=$66,000 total, we recently opened another $15k to a 1 year CD at 5.15%. TOTAL cash and investments=$68,903.24. 

c)  Bill Made a motion to approve, Linda seconded, all approved.  



5) FY ’23/’24 Key Dates Reminder:  

a) Monthly Meetings (TBD:  Either ZOOM or, safety permitting, at Sugar Lake Lodge at 8:30am unless otherwise notified):  

May 18th   

June 15th  

July 20th   

August 10th   

September 7th  

October TBD  

b) Spring Meeting/Dinner:  June 1st 10am-noon at SLL, Potluck 

c) Fall Meeting/Dinner: August 29th 1st, 5-7pm at SLL 

d) Timberman Tri:  July 13th  

e) Spring/Fall Clean-ups:  April 27th and Fall TBD  

f)  Install/Remove AIS Signs at Public Landings (Approximate Dates):  Early May /October   


6) Committee Reports:   

a) Communications: Chair:  Abby O.; Co-Chair: Gwynne B.  

i)  2024 Plans?   

-  Photo Contest   

-  Ice-Out Contest:  Still need to confirm winner got $25 SLL give certificate or announce at the spring brunch. 

-  Website refresh/update.  Note:  Need Linda and Gordy’s profiles up. Bill asked Abby to create a sub page to the Loon Program. 

-  Other Updates/Communications? none 

b) Membership: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Joan S. & Sara M.  

i) New Residents Letter/Welcome Package - Any new owners?  

a) Sharon & Jim Haiskanen sold -Buyers – Schultz (sp?). Another new homeowner – Hillary Ross. 

b) Grundhoefer’s (Future) – still for sale.  

ii) 2024 Member Drive/Communication Update.   Nothing at this time.  Paula will continue to work on follow-ups, etc up to and after the spring brunch.   


c) Water Quality, Management & Education:   Chair: Tom H. (Temporary);  Co-Chair:  Open.   

  1. 2024 Water Testing paperwork/approval/Bruce E. continues to test Sugar and Alan Jechort will takeover S. Sugar testing.  Filing of the 2024 paperwork is complete.  

  1. Continue to grow the AIS Fund - Target $50k+ 


  1. Decon Site - Improve use/record keeping. 2024 member messaging/thermal-decon site demonstration. - Date? Tom has talked to the Lodge to get details. Linda asked if we could have a tour of the decon site and how to use it. Bill will talk to Tom about this request.  

4.  Recruit committee members at spring brunch for programs: 

  1. Rusty crayfish catch program -Bruce Erickson has been working on this program.  

  1. Zebra Mussels detectors – Bill and Deb and Betsy and Bruce. 



AIS Certified Lake Parties: (i.e. certification holders)   

a) AIS Detectors (MAISRC and UofM Extension): Betsy Martin, Bill and Deb Hagenbuck, Bruce Freeman   

b) Lake Service Provider (DNR): Paul Grooms, Fred Bobich, Dale Anderson/3B’s (Certified, but not 5 Star), Grand Rapids Marine (5 Star & Decon in town), J.J. Barge Service (5 Star) and Jeff Reed   

c) Itasca AIS Watercraft Inspection (Itasca SWCD): None  
d) AIS Sentry Program (DNR): None  
e) Itasca Resort Inspector (Itasca SWCD): None  

f) AIS thermal decontamination (Itasca SWCD): Tim Oxborough, Mark Reisser     

g) Volunteer Watercraft Inspectors (DNR):  Bruce Freeman, Bill Hagenbuck and Deb Hagenbuck.  

d) Social: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair:  Kelly-Sue R.  

  1. Spring/Fall Meetings- Spring: June 1st 10am-noon; Fall August 29th at 5pm-7pm at SLL — Betsy has speaker(s) set-up.  

  1. Happy Hours:  Next one is June 8th at Betsy Martin’s house, July 26th at SLL, August 16th at SLL. Paula will post pics of May’s happy hour at Rapids Brewery.  

  1. July 4th Flotilla - weather permitting  


7)  Other 2024 Initiatives/Special Projects  

  1. Historical Record Retention Solution:  Need to get documents from Roger to get scanned in.  

  1. Loon Restoration Committee-Mary Freeman/Betsy Martin/Karen Lucachick:  no update yet. 

  1. SLA Logo voting update:  Discuss process and vote to-date.  The Board decided to have a discussion and motion to accept the winner #3 at the Spring Meeting as this logo received the most votes. 

  1. #1: 21  

  1. #2: 8  

  1. #3: 29  

  1. #4: 17  

  1. Existing:  9  


Adjourn at 9:30, Bill made a motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, all approved. 

Notes taken by Danielle Witherill