
October Board Meeting Minutes

Siseebakwet Lake Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 8:33 a.m. by president Tom Heuttner. A quorum was

present including, Bill H. and Deb. H., Betsy M., Abby O., Gwynne B., Marv C., Roger Q., Tom

H., and Sharon H.


A donation of $100 was made to the Community Foundation 1000 Lakes and Rivers Fund in

memory of deceased SLA members.


A motion was made by Gwynne B. and seconded by Betsy M. to accept the minutes of the

August 25, 2018 board meeting as presented, with an “aye” vote by all.


Current Balance:

SLA Checking acct.: $807.77

SLA Savings acct.: $38,204.62

A bill was paid in the amount of $176.00 to RND lab for water testing. Motion was made by

Betsy M. and seconded by Gwynne B. to approve the treasurer’s report, with an “aye” vote by

all .


a. Historical Record Retention Solution - Item tabled.

b. Fall Meeting

i). Constitution/Article Changes - Updates and changes that were approved by

membership vote at the Fall meeting will be posted on the SLA web site.

c. Photo Contest Winner - First-place winner for this contest has collected the prize.

d. Weir Dedication Plaque - Wording on the plaque was discussed and approved. Deb H.

will look into ordering it from Treasure Bay Printing. Betsy M. made a motion, seconded by

Roger Q., to spend up to $1000 on the weir plaque and base, with an “aye” vote by all.

e. Landing Signage - Bill H. and Tom H. will work on ordering new AIS signs this winter

with the hope that they will be available for posting at the public landing sites by Spring 2019.

Costs for the signs will come out of the AIS fund.

6). 2018-2019 SLA BOARD OFFICERS

President: Tom Heuttner

Vice President: Bill Hagenbuck

Treasurer: Roger Quern

Roger is looking for an SLA member who would like to share and eventually take over as


Secretary: Holly Hayes Hambley

Receiver of Notice: Bill Hagenbuck

Committee Chair Co-Chair

Communications Gwynne Bobich Betsy Martin

Membership Sharon Haiskanen Roger Quern

Water Quality, Mngmnt. & Ed. Tom Heuttner (open)

Budget Roger Quern Tom Heuttner

Betsy M. made a motion, seconded by Holly H., to approve the slate of officers and

committee chairs and co-chairs as presented, with an “aye” vote by all.

7). 2019 KEY DATES

a. Monthly meetings are held at SL Lodge at 8:30 a.m. unless otherwise notified.

April 13

May 11

June 8

July 20

August 10

September 1

October 12

b. Spring/Fall Membership Meetings - Members agreed that the Spring brunch was a

success so recommended doing a brunch again for the 2019 Spring meeting. Dates for the

Spring and Fall 2019 meetings will be posted on the web site.

c. Spring/Fall Road Clean-Up - To Be Determined

d. Installation/Removal of AIS signs at public landings - May 11 / October 12.


a). Communications - A new committee member has joined, Jen Eichten. Welcome!

b). Membership - Tom H. would like to see an on-line payment option set up for paying SLA

membership dues. Abby O. will work on setting this up. Also need to send e-mails to

members whose membership dues are past-due. Roger Q. has e-mail addresses.

c). Water Quality, Management & Edu. - Tom H. will work on an AIS plan over the winter

and present to the board in the Spring. AIS detector seminars are being offered again in 2019

and scholarships are available. Bill Grantges approves these scholarships.

d). Other - Bill Westerberg was not able to complete his report on the weir, however, it is in

the works and it will include information on weir maintenance and plantings. The engineering

firm needs to confirm the weir was built to DNR specifications.


Sharon H. moved and Bill H. seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned with an “aye” by all members.