Meeting Minutes: July 21, 2018

Meeting Minutes for July 21, 2018

Siseebakwet Lake Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 21, 2018

1). CALL TO ORDER, ATTENDANCE The meeting was called to order at 8:33 a.m. by president Tom Heuttner. A quorum was present including, Marv C., Bill H., Betsy M, Gwynne B., Sharon H., Bruce E., and Holly H. and Tom H. via conference call.


3). SECRETARY’S REPORT Motion was made by Betsy M. and seconded by Gwynne B. to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2018 board meeting as presented.

4). TREASURER’S REPORT Income: Membership dues: $80. Donations for General Fund: $11. Donation from Amazon Smile: $9.48

Expenses: Postmaster ( annual PO box rent): $72. Northland Portables (Porta-Potti): $451.25

SLA has not received a bill yet from RK Construction for the final work on the weir. According to the quote, it should be around $12,692.62, leaving $27,595.44 in the project fund.


a). ICOLA - Patty Gould, president of ICOLA, will join the August SLA board meeting to update us on what is happening in their organization with regards to AIS prevention. The SLA board needs to decide if continued financial support of ICOLA is worthwhile.


a). Dedication Plaque - The board needs final approval from Fred B. to erect a small, permanently-mounted plaque near the new weir. Deb H. has explored options for ordering a plaque from various internet sites. Anticipated cost would be around $500.00, which would be paid out of the money set aside in the weir budget. The board agrees that the names of those who financially contributed to the weir project should be listed on the SLA website.

b). Feedback-Those who attended the Spring membership potluck expressed that is was well attended. Generally positive feedback was received from SLA members about the change from a Saturday evening meeting to a late Sunday morning meeting.


a). Communications: Chair: Gwynne B. Co-Chair: Betsy M.

i). Photo Contest - Gwynne B. reported that there have been many photos submitted. ii). Website Updates - Tom H. volunteered to help organize information for the website. iii). Other - Betsy M. is storing SLA historical records/documents at her lake home. These will need to be sorted and cataloged. Looking for volunteers!

b). Membership: Chair: Sharon H. Co-Chair: Roger Q.

i). New Residents Letter/Welcome Package - “Welcome bags” are ready to be delivered. A verbal invitation to join SLA will be offered at the time of the welcome visit.

c). Water Quality, Management & Education: Chair: Tom H. (temporary) Co-Chair: Bruce Erickson

i). CAP Grants - According to Bill Grantges, Itasca County AIS Coordinator, the grant for the decontamination station at SLL should be going through. Some revision to the grant application was advised, so the following motion was made by Bill H. and seconded by Betsy M.: to modify the decontamination Cap Grant to have in-kind match by SLA of $3,000.00 and requesting AIS grant of $2,000.00. Motion was approved by an “aye” vote all around. The SLA would pay the bill up front and then apply to Soil & Water for reimbursement up to $2,000.

ii). Training Status - Fred Bobich and Jeff Reed have completed the Lake Service Provider Program.

iii). AIS Sentry Program - Bruce E. stated that anyone can be an AIS sentry. When/if someone sees something suspicious or unusual in the lake, they should call an AIS inspector and they will come and check it out. At the present time, AIS inspectors on Siseebakwet are: Bill Hagenbuck, Betsy Martin, and Bruce Freeman.

iv). Itasca County Fair - Volunteers are needed to work at the AIS detection booth in 2- hour shifts.

v). AIS Detectors on the Lake - covered above. vi). ICOLA request for Dive Team - A $100.00 donation has been requested from ICOLA for the benefit of the Itasca County Dive Team. The dive team would act as a “first-responder” on any lake in the county where invasive species have been identified. Betsy M. moved and Gwynne B. seconded a motion to approve a $100.00 donation for the Itasca County Dive Team. Motion passed with an “aye” vote by all.

vii). Lake Levels - Marv C. distributed a handout noting Siseebakwet water levels beginning May 7, 2018 through July 16, 2018. From May 7 through the end of June, the water level was below average, but beginning on July 8, 2018 til July 16, the water level was above average.

d). Budget: Chair: Roger Q. Co-Chair: Tom H.

i). Covered above.

e). Social: Chair: Gwynne B. Co-Chair: Betsy M.

i). Fall Meeting - Betsy M. is trying to get the “Loon Guy” as the main speaker for the Fall meeting. Other possible topics for meetings include estate planning, septic systems, and a Q. & A. session regarding the installation of natural gas that is happening in our area. It was agreed that Jeff Tillman, the weir contractor, and Bill Westerberg, engineer, as well as Richard Rezenka, Director of the N.E. DNR office, be invited to the Fall SLA meeting in order to acknowledge and thank them for their work on the weir.

ii). Other Events - There is a social gathering of past and present SLA board members planned at the lake home of Betsy M. on Saturday evening, July 21, 2018.

8). ADJOURN Betsy M. Moved and Tom H. Seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned, with an “aye” vote by all.