Siseebakwet Stories: Toot Loves Loons

Toot Loves Loons 

By Karen Lucachick 

Tyttö, aka TOOT, aka FIRST MATE

Two Chicks

Two (luca) Chicks


Todd and I bought our first pontoon this last spring and Tyttö aka “Toot” became the First Mate!  She loves going for what we refer to as “PonTooty” rides!  What surprised me was every time we went for a “PonTooty” ride, Toot would bark and the loons would swim right up to our pontoon, maybe out of curiosity or just being accustomed to the recreational activity on Siseebakwet.  One loon swam underneath our pontoon!  Great photo opportunities!

I titled the one photo, “Two Chicks”, because even though one chick is clearly visible in front of the two adult loons and, if you look closely, you can see a second chick behind the adult loon on the left.

One early morning, I dozed off watching TV on the couch and when I woke up, I could sense something was watching me.  I looked to my left and this eagle was perched in a tree approximately 30 feet from my deck.  Another great photo opportunity!

Probably not Toot’s Best Friend

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