Board Minutes: June 2022

Siseebakwet Lake Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

June 11, 2022



Call to order:  The meeting was called to order by President Tom Huettner (on ZOOM) at 8:36 am.  In attendance in addition to Tom were Bill Hagenbuck, Deb Hagenbuck, Betsy Martin, Roger Quern and Dora (Holly) Hayes. 


Announcements and Correspondence:  More than 41 individuals attended the Spring Meeting/Potluck at the Lodge and enjoyed an excellent potluck.  The program – a presentation of SLA activities and introductions of members by table – went well.  Also, feedback on the Newsletter has been excellent.


Secretary’s Report: Betsy moved to approve the Secretary’s report of the previous meeting.  The motion was seconded and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  The Treasurer reported a total of $37,618.50 in the bank accounts.  About $400, in dues were collected at the meeting.  To date this year expenses have been $1,156.99 and income has been $779.24.  Roger encouraged us to pay dues using Pay Pal.  We mentioned having a membership drive in April.  President Tom suggested that we encourage SLA members and others to make donations to the Association and to mention the need for support in the SLA newsletter.   SLA strongly supports the AIS program for our Lake.  Bill Hagenbuck moved approval of the Treasurer’s Report and the motion was seconded and passed.


Committee Reports -  Communications (see Social)


Water Quality, Management and Education - Chair: Tom Huettner:  SLA will continue to work with Soil and Water in the County and the State.


Communications and Social – Gwynne B., Betsy M., Vice Chair – SLA will plan to have a Happy Hour in the Lodge on July 16, 2022; the affair will be a potluck.  We will announce the affair in the SLA newsletter and to our neighbors and friends and encourage everyone to participate in bringing the food. We will also ask for volunteers. 


Special Projects:  Records Retention Update.  Betsy Martin and others suggested names of volunteers for the SLA history committee.  (Names include:  Diane  ?  , A. Laska, Pat Daugherty.  Bill Hagenbuck indicated Laska could help with electronic records.)  It was suggested that anyone who came across interesting mat9erial should send it to the committee.   Betsy suggested that by the end of next year (?Dec. 2023) we should have the bulk of material roughly organized.   At this time the material could be put on a hard drive and/or “in the cloud.”


Roger Quern moved that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15.


Respectfully submitted,

Dora (Holly) Hayes, Secretary