Board Minutes: October 2023

SLA – October 2023 Board Meeting Minutes  


Meeting Place:  Via Zoom 

Date: 10/7/2023 

Time: 8:30 am 

Attendees: Tom Huettner, Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck, Linda Lonson, Gordy Hoppe, Danielle Witherill. 

  1. Call to order:  


  1. Announcements & Correspondence 

  1. Linda Lonson and Paul Mullany will be joining the board.  

  1. Deb and Bill H. hosted the Fall Road Clean Up which was held on September 30, this was the best response so far as many people showed up to help.  There were about 12 volunteers.  


  1.  Secretary's Report/Prior Meeting Minutes Affirmation 

  1. Motion to approve, seconded, all approve. 


  1. FY 2022/2023 Proposed Key Dates: 

a) Monthly Meetings (TBD:  Either ZOOM or, safety permitting, at Sugar Lake Lodge at 8:30am unless otherwise notified):  SLL to verify dates work. Tom will contact Abby to verify these dates. Tom has let Betsy know so she can line up speakers. 

April TBD 

May 18th  

June 15th 

July 20th  

August 10th  

September 7th 

October TBD 

b) Spring Meeting/Dinner:  June 1st Tentative  

c) Fall Meeting/Dinner: Sunday September7th Tentative  

d) Timberman Tri:  July 13th 

e) Spring/Fall Clean-ups:  TBD 

f)  Install/Remove AIS Signs at Public Landings (Approximate Dates):  Early May /October .  


7. Treasurer's Report : Chair: Roger Quern/Linda Lonson 

  1. Checking balance checking $1927.20, savings $4795.90. Investment Accounts $50,187.16. 

  1. No new donations for the AIS funding. Tom will call Abby to get another reminder sent out. 

  1. Tom mentioned Roger reimbursed Sara Laska for the new printer/scanner she purchased. 

  1. Investment committee will review upcoming CD rollover and decide on duration of replacement and additional as needed. 

  1. Tom made Motion and Bill seconded and unanimous vote to accept Treasurer’s report. 


8 )  2024 Officer Vote: 

  1. New Executive Team was voted in:  Tom Huettner- President, Bill Hagenbuck - VP, Linda Lonson- Treasurer, Danielle Witherill- Secretary.  Tom made motion, Gordy seconded, all approved. 


9.) Committee Reports:  

New committee members/chairs - Tom reached out to the people that signed up at the fall meeting who may be interested in joining committees but he has not heard back from them. 

  1. Communications: Chair:  Abby O.; Co-Chair: Gwynne B.   -  no new business 


b) Membership: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Joan S. 

- 2023 drive complete and will continue in April 2024. 


c) Water Quality, Management & Education:   Chair: Tom H. (Temporary);  Co-Chair:  Open.  

  1. Rusty Crawfish – Bruce Erickson was concerned about the number of these vs the native species. He talked to the Deer Lake association and DNR and Bill Grantjes to get feedback. Other lakes are starting to trap these crayfish and kill them off. DNR does not encourage this. There is grant money to buy the traps. The concern is these crawfish tend to chop off the vegetation and damage the reeds.   


  1. Landing Signs - Bill will get this completed. 


  1. Life Jacket Program – Bill H mentioned there is a new project located on several Pokegama Lake public accesses that have life vests available for use for those who need them to promote safety. Should we get a grant to promote this on our lake? We would need to have a volunteer to monitor this. Some concerns are the liability, condition of moldy life vests, and improper use by the public. It was decided that Bill will put in a grant request and see if we can find a volunteer. 


d) Social: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Kelly Sue Robinson 

I.  Social committee - will continue to have more gatherings next year. 






10. Follow up from Fall Meeting : 

  1. Committee Sign-ups– Tom has not been able to get in contact with these people yet 

  1. Membership:  

  1.  Joan Schulz 

  1. Social:  

  1. Karen Lucachick,  

  1. Rose Hoolihan  

  1. Paige Jechort 

  1. Water Quality 

  1. Pat Doherty 

  1. Sarah Sprengeler 



  1. FY 23/24 Proposed SLA Committee Goals Discussion 


  1. Betsy will continue in the winter to start the scanning of historical documents project. 

  1. Newly redesigned Logo – will work on this over the winter 

  1. Investment committee – will talk about creating an investment policy. 

  1. Contests will continue 

  1. AIS will continue to be monitored  

  1. Grow AIS Fund -  Promote continue donations and create a legacy fund. 

  1. Decon unit – a member spring training should be conducted at SLL. Tom will talk about this at the spring meeting and conduct a training.  

  1. Linda mentioned the Environmental Services of Itasca County is having a meeting about short term rentals. The County is working to establish regulations regarding short term rentals. They did not include a lot of AIS information and she will bring it up again so it is top of mind for the rental population on our lakes. Tom talks to the ABB and VRBO owners on our lake to remind them to let their property renters know of the importance of properly cleaning their boats when they come on our lake each year.  Here is the link to their website for continued information : 


Adjourned at  9:23 am 

Notes taken by Danielle Witherill