Board Minutes: September 2023

SLA - September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Place: Sugar Lake Lodge
Date: Sept 9th
Time: 8:30 am
Attendees: Tom Huettner, Gwynne Bobich, Roger Quern, Sara Laska, Roger Laska, Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck. Also Vickie Hoppe & Gordy Hoppe by Zoom.
1) Call to order: 8:40am
2) Announcements & Correspondence a) Fall Road Clean Up will be September 30. Bill & Deb will send announcement to Abby to send to distribution and add to Facebook groups. b) Bill Hagenbuck’s shared pictures from Starry Trek of the loaner lifejackets that are available at Pokegama boat landings sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers. Discussion on implanting on Siseebakwet public landing raised questions on cost if any, signage, liability, etc. Bill will follow up with Army Corps of Engineers for more details. c) Mad Bear Update. Tom noted signage has been removed and shared that the project managers are accepting bids for logging the site in preparation for a planned 2026 opening.
3) Secretary's Report/Prior Meeting Minutes Affirmation Holly was absent, noted the board’s appreciation for her service in this roll. Tom will make modifications to the August minutes as sent to Holly and forward to Abby to include in website. Motion and second and unanimous vote to accept minutes as modified by Tom.

4) Treasurer's Report a) Checking balance $2,275.33, Savings $4785.39. Investment Accounts $50,000.00 b) Additional $950 not included in bank balances from mail/PayPal received late Friday 9/8. c) Investment committee will review upcoming CD rollover and decide on duration of replacement and additional as needed d) Motion and second and unanimous vote to accept Treasurer’s report. 5) Committee Reports: (Suggested topics; please make your own agendas)

a) Communications: Chair: Abby O.; Co-Chair: Gwynne B. - Photo Contest – Erik Laska won and received gift card/bag. - Website has been refreshed with positive feedback received.

b) Membership: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Joan S. - 2023 drive complete. - 3 renewals added at Fall Meeting. - 1 more more by PayPal

c) Water Quality, Management & Education: Chair: Tom H. (Temporary); Co-Chair: Open. - Grow AIS Fund - Promote and roll-out second $5k match. - Continue to monitor lake levels – lake level is down 6-8 inches from AHWL due to drought conditions. - Weir is performing at DNR designed/approved level. - Bill spoke with Itasca Land office and determined any landing repairs will be made next year. Itasca has applied for grant funds for 2024 from the State of Minnesota to redesign Siseebakwet landing for improved parking and re-surface.

d) Social: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Kelly Sue Robinson Fall Meeting Download/Votes for new Board Members i) Committee Sign-ups a. Membership: Joan Schulz;; 612-760-0302 b. Social: i. Karen Lucachick, ii. Rose Hoolihan;; 507-382-9101 iii. Paige Jechort;; 701-400-1584 d. Water Quality i. Pat Doherty;; 952-270-2420 ii. Sarah Sprengeler:, 320-420-

6) Outstanding Items a) Don Osell note was not sent out, direction from board to communications needed. b) A recommendation has been made to conduct an training session for SLA members early next year on how to schedule and operate the pressure washer. Action for 2024. c) Discussion on member comments about missing snail mailing of news letter, possibly sending one paper mailing combined with dues reminder annually. d) Betsy has speakers lined up for 2024 spring and fall meetings.

7) Special Projects: a) Historical Record Retention Solution – Laska’s have proceeded with authorized purchase of scanner for processing documents and submitted receipt during the meeting for reimbursement. Cloud storage will be required for output. It was suggested they reach out to Abby, our webmaster as storage and access links will need to be coordinated. Also reaching out to Bill Grantges for a refresher on old Minnesota Lakes and River’s storage location. b) Logo – Discussion on asking Kathy Bakula if we could simply tweak the existing log to make it more timely without requiring a full restart.

8) FY 2023/24 Initiatives a) Establish Legacy Fund/Promote Donations – Continue to delay as AIS fund raising took priority. TBD

Adjourn 9:30 am