Board Minutes: August 2023

 Siseebakwet Lake Association – 812

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

August 12, 2023

1.Call to order:  The meeting was called to order by President Tom Huettner at 8:35 CDT.    Attending were Tom Huettner (ZOOM), Roger Quern, Bill Hagenbuck, Deb Hagenbuck, Gwynne Bobich, Gordy Hoppe, Vicky Hoppe, Danielle Witherill and Dora (Holly) Hayes. 

2. Announcements: Gwynne will obtain further information on an individual who knows Indian history for possible presentation at a membership meeting.  

SLA needs to inform members about deceased SLA members as well as sending a condolence email about Chris Ostertag.  This will be done by Tom/Abby.  Information will also be sent on Osell.  

The main landing replacement port-a-potty has been leaking and SLA will follow up on whether this problem has been fixed.  SLA will also check on the bent AIS sign at the landing.  Social events are also progressing.

3. Secretary’s Report:  A motion to approve the Secretary’s report was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Roger Quern reported that there was $7,297.77 in the checking account and $7,785.39 in the savings account.  Assets include $15,083, excluding the investments.  Year to date income was $12,322.69 and expenses were $1,392.57.  Donations to the AIS fund are $5,795 and membership dues $2,470.00 to date. The report was seconded and passed. 

 Roger stated we were $500 short of meeting our $5,000 donation goal for a matching $5,000 anonymous donation.  Roger suggested that when we complete the $5,000 collection and receive the matching $5,000 donation, we make one large investment.  We will follow up on collecting the $500.  Roger will send Tom a summary of the donations to include names of donors and amounts.  


Danielle reported that we have 15,000.00 invested at 4.1% due October 23, 2023, 10,000.00 invested at 4.65% due July 2024 and 10,000 invested at 4.5% due Jan 2025.

5. Committee Reports:   Communications –  Abby, Chair; Gwynne, Co-Chair -  The 2023 winner of the photo contest is to be announced at the Fall meeting.  We need one more request for photos and then Abby and Gwynn will select the winner. 

              Membership – Paula H., Chair; Joan S. and Sara M, Co-chairs.  – The membership drive is complete for the year.  We note that Jim and Deb Young of Sugar Hills signed up.  Consensus was that we need to get the dues payments standardized in the April time frame.  

              Social – We discussed possible new Board members.  Tom asked that he be informed of recommendations. 

6. SLA membership with Minnesota Lakes and Rivers.  Bill H. reported on possible membership with the organization, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers.  Bill moved that we add our lobbyist support to Minnesota Lakes and Rivers at a cost of $150.00.  The motion was seconded and passed.  


7. Special Projects – SLA needs to reach out to determine who wants to participate.  We need to re-examine the technology side.  Tom will try to develop an email regarding this need.

 8. FY 2023/24 Initiatives – 

a) SLA will make the new/revised logo a winter project. 

b) SLA will establish a legacy fund to promote donations.

The final Happy Hour was attended by about 30 individuals.  One family came in a boat.  This prompted a discussion on holding a Happy Hour on a flotilla of boats/pontoons in the middle of the lake.

Respectfully submitted,

Dora K. (Holly) Hayes, Secretary