Board Minutes: April 2023

Siseebakwet Lake Association – April 2023 Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2023


Call to order: The ZOOM meeting was called to order by Tom Huettner at 10:00 am Central Standard Time.

Attending were Tom Huettner, Bill Hagenbuck, Deb Hagenbuck, Danielle Wetherall, Holly Hayes and

Roger Quern. 


Announcements:  No Ice-Out.  Still plenty of ice.  Spring Clean-up – Scheduled for the 4th Saturday in April, the 29th. 


Secretary’s Report:  Bill Hagenbuck moved approval.  Motion seconded and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  Roger Quern reported that there was $9,144.99 in the bank accounts.

Tom reported that $35,000 had been invested in CD’s, as follows:

            $ 15,000  at 4.1% interest due in October, 2023

                10,000 at 4.5% interest due in January, 2024

                10,000 at  4.65% interest due in July, 2024.

Tom indicated that  preapproval for Susan for water testing was needed and that testing in both lakes would be required. Diane moved approval.  The motion was seconded and passed.


Key dates:  It was noted that the September meeting would be on September 12, 2023.

Key dates are now as follows:

            May 13

            June   3

            July 15

            Sept 12

            Oct 7

            Spring Meeting Dinner – June 3

            Fall Meeting Dinner – Sunday, Sept 3

            Timberman Triathlon – July 8

            Spring/Fall Clean-ups – April 22 and Sept 30

            Install/Remove AIS signs at Public Landings (Approx:  May 9/Oct. 9


Committee Reports:  Communications – Ice Out and Photocontests – Discussed.

Newsletter- Write up of John Otis.

                        Input from other entities – ICOLA.

                        Bring in history, technology.

Membership – Work with Abby.  Paula Huettner is working with the committee.

                        76 have paid so far for 2023 and there are three new members.

                        Deb and Bill have delivered “Welcome packages.”

                        A Welcome Letter was mentioned.  Contacts and  reponses to contacts were reported

                           and the need to keep the data base updated was emphasized.

Water Quality:  Appropriate paperwork has been filed.  It was noted that  Bruce Erickson does the testing for    clarity,  Dick ?  will test water quality.  SLA will follow up on the decontamination site and the landing. 


At this point, the ZOOM allotted time expired.  Roger Quern made the motion to adjourn.