Board Minutes: May 2023

Siseebakwet Lake Association – 513

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2023

1.Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Tom Huettner at 9:33 am CST.

Attending were Tom Huettner, Roger Quern, Danielle Wetherill, Dora (Holly) Hayes, Bill Hagenbuck, Deb Hagenbuck and Paula Huettner.


2.Announcements: The winner of the ice-out contest, Don Evans, was announced.  Prize will be a $25.00 gift certificate at the Sugar Lake (Siseebakwet) Lodge Store. 

Comments included the need for a newsletter item, concerning the ice-out event and the winner, a long time member of the Lake Association; Tom will follow up with Abby.


 3.Secretary’s Report:  Bill Hagenbuck moved approval of the Secretary’s Report.  The motion was seconded and approved.


4.Treasurer’s Report: Roger Quern reported that there was  $222       in the checking account  and $7785   in the assets overall, excluding the investments.  Year to date income was (??7,057.8-) and expenses $1,204.--.   Donations to the AIS fund are $1,235.00  and to the general fund $2,412.00.  Dues: $2,250.00.  The treasurer did pay R & P environmental charges last year and charges for the port-a-potty.  This convenience should be in place by midnight May 12, 2023.  The remainder of the have been invested in CD’s.

Tom moved approval of the Treasurer’s Report.  The motion was seconded and passed.  


5. Reminder:  Happy Hour at Sugar Lake Lodge tody, May 13, from 4 – 5:30 pm.


6.Committee Reports: Communications:  The photo contest results are out.  Winner: Ski photos by Eric.

The newsletter is out. Consensus:  Well done!

Website:  Questions can be directed to Abby or the Board.

Other:  Betsy has a speaker on waste for the June meeting.  Tom will arrange for the hotel stay. Information for the website will be obtained also.  Betsy will return about June 3, 2023.


Membership:  Six more memberships came in just before the Board meeting.  Paula Huettner,  Membership Committee chair, reported on activities of the committee.  She described recruiting  techniques, including the use of postcards in March.  The committee will encourage the use of PalPal to pay dues. The committee will now attempt to use volunteers to go door-to-door to recruit.  It was  pressing need to update information on members, especially phone numbers.   


Water Quality:  No new information was reported.  The fishing is not too good.  There have been issues with beavers.  The pond draining into Siseebakwet was mentioned.  Roger indicated that there was a problem getting a boat into the lake; there are problems with “holes.”


Social: Paula, the Chair, reported that there would be Happy Hours at the Spring and Fall meetings.  Tom will coordinate.  The meetings do not always have to be held at the resort.  Danielle and Morgan volunteered to help.

7.Special Projects:  Work on the historical records is continuing.


8.InitiativesUpdating SL logo:   Updating the SLA logo was discussed.  Rose would work with us to create a new logo.  Danielle volunteered to try to get ideas.  We will check into getting information on issues such as ordering from the web.

Establish Legacy Fund/Promote Donations:  Tom suggested promoting donations.  It was noted that there was a $50,000 limit on (earmarking, tax reporting??).  Bruce Erickson knows about this and would include it in the correspondence. 


N.B.  The secretary was cut off by the termination of the ZOOM connection.


The meeting was adjourned.