SLA – July 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Place: Sugar Lake Lodge
Date: July 20, 2024
Time: 8:30 am
Attendees: Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck, Roger Quern, Danielle Witherill, and
Tom Huettner, Gordy Hoppe via zoom
Absent: Linda Lonson, Paul Mullaney, Gwynne Bobich
Called to order at 8:31
a) Triathlon feedback? Everyone was pleased, two athletes needed to be brought in from the swimming leg. 330 participants.
b) We still do not have the thank you cards.
c) Porta potty grant reimbursement status: the $500 check came in and was given to Linda, this must be the cap as more money was requested.
Secretary’s Report
VOTE: Approve June’s minutes , Bill made a motion to approve, Tom seconded, all approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
a) See treasurer’s report below:
b) FINCEN form 990 recap
Treasurer Report:
Overall Account balance = $12,834.45
Income increased $698.86 from prior month
Membership(+Donations) and Grants Received were primary factors of income offset by Conservation Efforts (remaining balance for the Porta Potty paid) and Pay Pal fees.
Thank you note was sent on behalf of SLA for the grant from Lake Country Power.
Thank you emails were sent to recent member additions to acknowledge receipt of payment.
Membership Chair was sent recent member additions via email.
Treasurer Outstanding Items:
Approval for payment to Bruce E for Rusty Crayfish Receipt of $505.86 is needed ahead of grant reception ($250). Ok to Reimburse Bruce.
Grant request to Bill G. For Rusty Crayfish of $250. Bill H will send a receipt to Bill G for the whole thing and he will give us half back.
Confirming Tom H is requesting from Bill
What is ETA?
VOTE: Approve treasurer’s report , Gordy made a motion to approve, Bill seconded, all approved.
Committee Reports:
1) Communication – we need to get special ordered/lake themed thank you’s signed and sent soon. Happy hour FB events will be uploaded.
2) Membership – Paula will continue to call those that have not paid dues and reach out to new people who move into the area. The new logo will be needed to add to our flyers and letterhead.
3) Water quality
A) July secchi disk reading: 19’.7” on Sugar, elevations have come down a lot.
B) Rusty crayfish update:
- removed to-date: approx 7,000 – we have about 10 people who are signed up to capture the rusty crayfish.
- program officially started in July with record keeping underway.
- need to confirm status of the cap grant and funds spent support to Grantges if not already done. The grant is due for 2025 by 10/1. Should we ask for another $250 for traps for the north side and publicly promote it at the SLA dinner? We should ask Bruce how may traps he has leftover and ask if anyone on the north side wants to start before we ask for more funding.
4) Social:
Next happy hour at SLL on 7/26; 4:30-6:30pm.
Fall Meeting - Tom has sent an email to Betsy to confirm the fall and spring presenters and he has not heard back from her yet but he will continue to reach out.
Adjourned at 8:58.
Minutes taken by Danielle Witherill