SLA - August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Place: Sugar Lake Lodge
Date: August 10th, 2024
Time: 8:30 am
Attendees: Roger Quern, Danielle Witherill, Tom Huettner, Gordy Hoppe, Linda Lonson, Paul Mullaney
Absent: Gwynne Bobich, Deb Hagenbuck, Bill Hagenbuck
1) Call to order at 8:33 a.m.
2) Announcements & Correspondence:
Guest Bruce Erickson talked about his research on our Water Quality and the invasive Rusty Crayfish project and the data he has collected from 2016 to current. 18,000 rusty crayfish have been caught by our 11 volunteers so far. He would like to see more volunteers expand to the north side of the lake. He recommends hiring a professional to test trap and map our lake. We should continue to trap and euthanize the rusty crayfish to mitigate the population so our weed beds will continue to grow and our lake healthy for our future. We will present this information at the fall meeting.
Guest Betsy Martin proposed giving a gas gift card of $100 to the speaker from the spring meeting who spoke about beaver populations as she drove from Mpls. Betsy made the motion, Roger seconded, all approved. Doyle from the fisheries department will be our fall speaker, she would like to give $50 gift card from the Sugar Lake Lodge as he is a local resident. Roger made motion, Tom seconded, all approved.
AIS Fund Match Funding Drive & Membership Drive costs: donator thank you cards have been signed and will be dropped off or mailed out by Tom.
AirBNB/VRBO Proposed Legislation/SLA President Email – discussions entailed about county zoning and rules. Tom will be attending the county meeting on August 14. Should we have a petition to sign and bring to the County? A letter will be drafted by the SLA with resident’s concerns and suggestions for the County to consider.
Happy Hour: July 26th at SLL, we had a good turnout.
3) Secretary's Report/Prior Meeting Minutes Affirmation
Vote: July’s Minutes Approval , Tom made a motion, Paul seconded, all approved.
4) Treasurer's Report -
Financial Statement review:
Total Account Balances = $69,508.96
Bank Account Balances as of 08.07.2024 = $3,508.96
Total Investment Accounts as of 08.07.2024 = $66,000.00
Pending bills?
Investment Committee - Update on cash positions/investible funds and new CD investments (Amounts, timing, etc); CD Renewal. A CD of $10K came due and the President, VP, Treasurer have agreed to purchase another CD for one year term per email approvals on Friday, August 2nd 2024 @ 12:24pm.
Rusty crayfish equipment purchase grant reimbursement update, if any?
Per July Board Meeting approval, Bruce E has now been reimbursed for Rusty Crayfish Traps' receipt of $505.86. We now need to get the grant and board approval.
Treasurer Outstanding Items:
Grant request to Bill G. For Rusty Crayfish of $250 has been written by Bill H. Waiting on grant of $250. Bill H., do we know ETA of the incoming grant?
Vote: Approve Treasurer’s Report, Tom made a motion, Paul seconded, all approved.
5) Remaining FY ’23/’24 Key Dates Reminder:
Monthly Meetings (Either via ZOOM or at Sugar Lake Lodge at 8:30am unless otherwise notified):
September 7th (Discuss if we appoint 24/25 officers following fall meeting)
October: TBD
Fall Meeting/Dinner: August 29th 1st 5-7pm, announcement will go out this week.
Fall Road Clean-up: TBD
Install/Remove AIS Signs at Public Landings (Approximate Dates): May/Oct.
6) Committee Reports:
a) Communications: Chair: Abby O.; Co-Chair: Gwynne B.
- Need to send out Fall meeting reminder to all.
b) Membership: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Joan S. & Sara M.
- 2024 Member Drive/Communication Update. Final push at fall meeting
- We had 2 more membership dues come in.
c) Water Quality, Management & Education: Chair: Tom H. (Temporary); Co-Chair: Open.
Note: Bill and Deb H. Attending Starry Stonewart Trek today. Feedback to come.
AIS Tools - Update/discussion – they are in place at the main landing, but not at Sugar LL and Sugar Crest VRBO locations yet, Tom will follow up.
8 year water quality trend: Update by Bruce E.
Rusty Crayfish - Update by Bruce E. On # of volunteers, traps, capture rate, etc. (see above).
Continue to grow the AIS Fund - Target $50k+
d) Social: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Kelly-Sue R.
Fall Meetings- August 29th at 5pm-7pm at SLL — Betsy has speaker(s) set-up. Need to confirm with SLL plans and complete presentation.
Happy Hours: August 16th at SLL.
7) Other 2024 Initiatives/Special Projects
Historical Record Retention Solution: - no current updates.
Next steps:
Someone should review accessibility/structure of database
Load/Organize on SLA’s website if doable and searchable.
Loon Restoration Committee (Mary Freeman/Betsy Martin/Karen Lucachick: Updates on FB SLA website
Adjourned at 10 :00 a.m.
Minutes taken by Danielle Witherill