Sept 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

SLA-September 2024 Board Meeting Minutes  


Meeting Place:  Sugar Lake Lodge 

Date: September 7th 

Time: 8:30 am  

Attendees: Bill Hagenbuck, Roger Quern, Danielle Witherill, Tom Huettner, Linda Lonson 


Absent:  Paul Mullaney, Gwynne Bobich, Gordy Hoppe, Deb Hagenbuck 

1) Call to order at 8:34 am 
2) Announcements & Correspondence 

Guests – Bruce Erickson updated us about trapping rusty crayfish and brought his data that started in June. We have learned the number of crayfish caught varies by location, number of traps, and the month of the year. We caught 22,614 rusty crayfish so far through August. We have 23 SLA members signed up to volunteer. He would like Martin of Nordic Crayfish to test trap and map our lake this fall for a cost of $2500. We had a discussion about the proposal including information received from the DNR from the Fall meeting.   

Tom Made a motion to provide $250 to apply for the matching Cap Grant from the County to continue the local trapping program, Linda seconded, all approved.   

Bill Made a motion to approve $2500 from the AIS Fund to pay for the trapping and mapping service, Roger seconded, Linda, abstained, everyone else approved.  


  1. 40 Thank you cards have been sent or dropped off by Tom. 

  1. AirBNB/VRBO Proposed Legislation/SLA President Email – Tom will have one final submission to ask the County to notify the SLA of any updates. A few SLA members have also submitted comments. 

  1. Starry Stonewart Trek feedback from Bill. Nothing new was found on any Itasca Lakes. The planned approach is to lay down layers of burlap to kill it. 

  1. Planning with Abby out? – We need a second person to validate the website and online updates in her absence. Bill will try to follow up with her and help out.  


3) Secretary's Report/Prior Meeting Minutes Affirmation 

Vote: August’s Minutes --- Tom made a motion to approve, Bill seconded, all approved . 

4) Treasurer's Report  

  1. Financial Statement review: Total Account Balances = $70, 505.52 

      Bank Account Balances as of 09.02.2204 = $4,505.52 

      Total Investment Accounts as of 09.02.2024 = $66,000.00 

      Overall bank account balances increased $890.23 Sept YTD vs August YTD due to: 

      Interest $456.24 

      Dividends $3.99 

      Grants $250 

      Member Dues $180 


  1. Pending bills? 

  1. Investment Committee - Update on cash positions/investible funds and new CD investments (Amounts, timing, etc); CD Renewal. 

CDs Maturing; should we reinvest similarly: 

09-18-24/ $15K @ 5.4% 

10-17-24 / $16K @ 5.45% 


  1. Other? 

Vote: Approve Treasurer’s Report – Bill made a motion, Tom seconded, all approved  


5) Officer Vote/Committee Chair Selections 


President:  __Tom_________________________ 

Vice President:  ____________Bill_________ 

Treasurer:  _____Linda_______ 

Secretary:  _________Danielle__________________  

* Receiver of Notice:  _________Bill__________________ 

Linda made a motion, Roger seconded, all approved the new officers for 2025. 



Communications:  Chair: __Abby________ Co-Chair:_____Gwynne______ 

Membership:  Chair: ___Paula_________________ Co-Chair:______________ 

Water Quality, Management & Education:     Chair: ________Tom___________ 

 Co-Chair: _Pat D., Sarah S. Or Bart Bergman, Martha Otis, Jan Gunderson? 

Budget:  Chair: ___Linda___ Co-Chair:____Tom____________ 

Social:    Chair: _____Paula H.________ Co-Chair:____Kelly Sue Robinson______ 


Remaining FY ’23/’24 Key Dates Reminder: 

  1. Monthly Meetings (Either via ZOOM or at Sugar Lake Lodge at 8:30am unless otherwise notified): 

  1. October:  TBD or Cancel 

  1. Fall Road Clean-up:  4th Saturday - September 28th 

  1. Install/Remove AIS Signs at Public Landings (Approximate Dates):  May/Oct.- Bill Grantges will pick up the tools. Life Jacket program has been successful. Bill H will store the life jackets over the winter.  


6) FY 2024/2025 Proposed Key Dates: 

Monthly Meetings (TBD:  Either ZOOM or, safety permitting, at Sugar Lake Lodge at 8:30am unless otherwise notified):  


  • April TBD -TBD; No April meeting at the lodge  

  • May 10th - TBD; No May meeting at the lodge 

  • June 7th    

  • July 19th 

  • August 9th 

  • September 6th 

  • October:  TBD; No October meeting at the lodge 



  • Spring Meeting/Brunch: June 1st  

  • Fall Meeting/Dinner: Sunday August 31st (Labor Day Weekend)  

  • 3)Timberman Tri: July 12th 

  • Spring/Fall Clean-ups:  TBD 

  • Install/Remove AIS Signs at Public Landings (Approximate Dates):  Early May/October  


Committee Reports

a) Communications: Chair:  Abby O.; Co-Chair: Gwynne B.  


b) Membership: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair: Joan S. & Sara M. 

- Linda and Paula updated database.  


c) Water Quality, Management & Education:   Chair: Tom H. (Temporary);  Co-Chair:  Open.  

  1. AIS Tools - Update/discussion. 

  1. Life Vests: follow-up on yearly activity and fall cleanup  

d) Social: Chair: Paula H.; Co-Chair:  Kelly-Sue R. 



7)  Other 2024 Initiatives/Special Projects 

  1. Historical Record Retention Solution: 

 Next steps:   

  1. Someone should review accessibility/structure of database 

  1. Load/Organize on SLA’s website if doable and searchable. 


  1. Rusty Crayfish:  Bill/Bruce presented 2024/2025 proposal to board 


8) FY 24/25 Proposed SLA Committee Goals Discussion 


  1. Membership - Annual drive 

2) Investment Committee -Approve investment policy and/or continue ongoing CD ladder programs. 

3) SLA Annual Contests:  Ice-out and Photo, $25 gift cards from SLA. 

4) Website refresh as needed? 

5) AirBNB/VRBO owner follow-up; Request key contacts/annual follow-up; STR regulation tracking 

6) AIS Plan Summary Page (i.e. cheat sheet) and updates if necessary  

7) AIS Fund raising efforts /Legacy Fund/Promote Donations 

7) Improve Decon Site utilization to reduce/prevent AIS threat/Spring Training 


Adjourned at 10 :12 am